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Ways I Embrace My Audience

Well I never really thought I wanted to really gain an audience, but really for the few followers I have I guess I hope to really keep you interested! I’m just hoping my few posts really draw people in help get more support in my writing!

“Laughter is the sound of the soul dancing. My soul probably looks like Fred Astaire.”

“Let us read, and let us dance; these two amusements will never do any harm to the world.”

I found a site which lists 100 Blog topics and I now feel like I have to try to write about each one of them. So here’s topic number one, “How I use Facebook.”

What an interesting topic to force you to really think about! The fact is that I generally use Facebook as a place to go when I’m in search of someone to talk to. In all reality I’m on Facebook probably 5% when there’s nothing to do (I’m much more into stumble) and 95% because I’m lonely and hoping that for some reason my Facebook will magically bring me someone to talk to or make me smile, weird considering 90% of the time I end up walking away or logging off completely (and generally I feel worse than before I got on), not sure how important social sites really are to me anymore. How do you use Facebook?
