What better way to start a blog than with a poem? To start I’m taking a poetry class where we are required to write at least one poem a week; last week I wrote this one about how I have PHN and found inspiration from that as well as poet, Barbra Hamby. All in all writing has become a way to help me keep sanity from PHN, I’ll be explaining that later.

Inspirations of Barbra Hamby and PHN

With verses like hearses

bringing me down

I just want to SCREAM!

What else do I say?

That the world is full of candy,

Sugar covered fluffy pillows?


Fluffy pillows, maybe covered in spikes

and you’re lucky to find someone

with gloves to cover your hands

from getting pricked by the painful…

Words like needles in your skull

what’s the difference?

Of these words and needles, spikes,

all pointing at you like daggers

into your heart stabbing you softly

until you rest your head at night.

Into your dreams you go

and you know that could be life,

where you rest your head,

but mostly people think it’s where you walk

Feet on pavement equals real

and it can’t be anything other than that

or can it?